Don't Slam The Door On Your Way Out
is a seminar presented by Margie
Jenkins and her husband, Bob (Jenks)
Jenkins, based on Margie’s books, You
Only Die Once
and My Personal Planner.
View/Listen to this seminar and you will
know why Margie speaks so effectively
about planning for the end of life with
“grace and gusto." She makes a most
difficult subject easy to listen to and
to understand. And almost as easy to put
a written end-of-life plan into action
that will make life’s final chapter
experience a loving and unselfish gift
to those who love you.
Comments often heard from
Margie’s audiences are “For the first
time, I’m actually enjoying planning for
the end of my my life.” Many times they
add, “Margie’s message in her books
gives me peace of mind and I often find
myself laughing out loud.”
Don't Slam the Door on Your Way Out
will inspire you to live
bodaciously in the years and
days ahead...and to finish
well. If you like Margie's
books, you will love this DVD or
CD. Join the live audience in
Houston, Texas who enjoyed
Margie and Jenks at the filming
of this seminar.

Margie Jenkins--America's
leading voice for end-of-life
Bob (Jenks) Jenkins--Retired VP
of Worldwide Marketing Services
Margie and Jenks have presented
this seminar across the United
States, from Orlando to
Seattle and from New England to
San Francisco. |